Statistics we can change together

Help make a difference by donating now!


Declining Computing Occupations Held by Women

Many factors come into these statistics, but building women's confidence in their work and providing easier access to education can help.


Increasing Mortality Rates

These mortality rates can be decreased if more women had access to affordable healthcare.


Prevalence of Domestic Violence and Sexual Abuse

Women need shelters from abusive situations and resources to self-sustain in life.

Words of Empowerment from Girls Who Code

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About Us

Vicky Yu

Senior at Cupertino High School

Volunteers for JW House,
organization for cancer patients' families.

Lilian Le

Junior at Evergreen Valley High School

Volunteers for Paws4SJACS,
organization for animal welfare.

Aastha Khare

Junior at Archbishop Mitty High School

Volunteers for Cystic Fibrosis Research Inc,
organization for those impacted by
cystic fibrosis.

Photo credits to Sabrina Chang and Catherine Kim.

We would like to thank Girls Who Code for giving us this opportunity and the teaching staff: Megan, Cindy, and Ruthi whom without their help wouldn't have been possible

Contact Us!

If you'd like to add your organization to our donation map, email us a proposal.